The season of thanks and giving is upon us! We want to express how very thankful we are for your partnership. The Way 2 Serve Ministries continues to make an impact in the community because of your desire to serve in different capacities with the gifts and abilities the Lord has equipped each one to use.
When you give financially to The Way 2 Serve, you are playing a crucial part in the work God is doing in our community. We want to take the opportunity to encourage you in another way to give thanks to our Lord, as well!
Romans 12 speaks to the idea of giving our bodies as “a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” When we serve others out of a heart full of thanks, we honor God and glorify his name.
During our most recent My Jerusalem (Saturday, October 6), one group helped our friend Jackie with much needed repairs to her home. As they worked, one of our compassion team members spent time with Jackie. Near the end of the day, she gave an impromptu testimony. You can watch the uncut video here!
Fast-forwading to now, Jackie has become part of our Compassion Team! She attended our most recent “Build Relationships” workshop, where we equip others to effectively cultivate long-term, God-centered relationships in the community. Jackie immediately committed to serving through “Follow-Up” (our intentional following up with those we have served).
Her statement, “I can’t do the physical labor, but I can visit, encourage and be used by the Lord to build relationships and spread His love and Word.” This is an incredible practical (and necessary) way to share the love of Jesus. When we scatter to rebuild the broken walls of our community on days like My Jerusalem, we do it so we can restore broken people in the community in the days that follow.
We encourage you to give thanks to God by serving others in His name. Are you equipped to serve by following up, visiting and building long-term relationships with people in the community? If so, we would ask you to consider joining Jackie (and many others) on the Compassion Team. It is one of the most relational ways you can point people to The Way, which is Jesus. You never know what kind of impact a simple visit may have!
Contact us now to get involved!