written by Rev. George McCulloh, Pastor Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church
When you pray and seek the Lord that He would open the way unto you that you might do for others what they cannot do for themselves; He will hear, He will answer, and He will pave the way that it shall be done. This is the opening of chapter two of the book of Nehemiah. The vision is before Nehemiah, he has prayed and the great need will be addressed.
Nehemiah risked his own life by coming before the king with a sad countenance. Yet, the Lord fixed it so that it would be well with him. The Lord paved the way so that the walls of Jerusalem that were broken would be rebuilt.
The journey from the presence of King Artaxerxes to the place where the work was needed was filled with opposition; however, when the Lord has so ordained the work nothing or nobody shall hinder you. Not only will there not be a hindrance, the Lord will as well fix it so that all along the way individuals will give you what you need to rebuild brokenness without cost.
But, before you begin to work you need to first see what is to be done. An inspection must take place so that when it is time to work there will not be those standing around wondering what shall we do. And even in the midst of working those that have a Sanballat, a Geshem, and a Tobiah mentality will not prevent that which the Lord has ordained to occur.
This is the focus of My Jerusalem. The walls are down in our neighborhoods and in the lives of our brothers and sisters and they are broken in pieces. Our countenance is sad because our brothers and our sisters lie in an open arena unprotected from the enemy. We must rebuild these walls. We have a mind to work and we have a God that provides. We can do this because “The God of heaven will prosper us; therefore, we His servants will arise and build.” So, I beseech you today to say to the Lord, “Send me, I’ll go” and do my part in helping to rebuild the walls that are broken in our lives and in the lives of our fellow brethren. “Lord, let me go and rebuild walls and in doing so, make disciples that they might follow you.”