God Reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne. Psalm 47:8
“We all had another awesome experience with our neighbor and with God on Saturday. The rain stopped (It rained a mile up the road and never rained on us). We had a great group of volunteers. Mr. Johnny has a safe back deck and stable steps on his home. His yard is clean and neat. His front steps now have a secure hand rail. The broken window is repaired. At the end we gave praise and prayer and a blessing in English from the site leader and in Korean from the Korean Church Pastor. God is always good.” This is a testimony from one of our partners who was a site leader for My Jerusalem. On March 31st around 500 people joined hands to rebuild the broken walls of our community in 33 different locations. My Jerusalem took place in Dadeville, Al, Camp Hill Al, Auburn, Al, Opelika, Al, Beauregard, Al, Beulah, Al, and Lanette, Al. What a blessing to see God’s people come out, trust in His faithfulness, and believe He will do great and mighty things with our small acts of obedience! By mid-day the sun came out and The Son shined in the darkness. Although the painting could not get done groups were still able to go out and do home repairs that included wheel chair ramps, re-roofing homes, repairing holes in floors, yard work, and two block party outreaches where hundreds of people were fed with food and the Gospel message! Also, cookies were delivered to shut in’s and to the families that we helped. It takes everyone using the gift God has given them working together to accomplish the work that needs to be done to rebuild the broken. Even after the home is repaired there is much work to be done to repair and rebuild those who live in the homes. We have compassion teams that go back into the homes and build lasting relationships. The work never stops and we are never going to stop! Please let us know if you would like to serve on our compassion team!!
We are so thankful for all who have come to volunteer their time to work on The Way 2 Serve building. Things are looking great!! We expect great things to be done as we minister to those in need from this building. God reigns!!
The Way 2 Grow is our area of ministry where we build relationships with those we meet and have the opportunity to make disciples. Through this area of ministry we have the privilege to meet with and study the bible with several young men on a weekly basis. We are seeing the guys grow spiritually and gain courage to reach their neighborhoods for Jesus. One of the guys recently said two negatives don’t make a positive.. That is so contradictory to the world! Another young man said he can tell the story of Moses parting the Red Sea and relate it to what his team needs to do to win a basketball game in his neighborhood. God Reigns!!
The Way 2 Pray team is growing. We have put together a map of our community and are in the process of praying over for the needs of our neighbors. It is amazing to see on a map where someone lives that you are praying for! Just think you may realize that you drive by or close to their house on a weekly basis! Please consider joining our prayer team! God Reigns!!
The Way 2 Give is where we receive funds to pay for resources for the ministry. We are so grateful for financial partnerships. One of our partners who has served with us for a long time recently said “I cannot give of my time as much these days but I can write a check.” We are so thankful for cheerful givers. I am always reminded that we live by faith and live on money.
As you have read this newsletter I hope that God has stirred you to serve with us in one or more of the areas of ministry with The Way 2 Serve. God will use you to spread the love of Jesus in practical ways throughout our community!