Mother Theresa once said, “I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.”
In this last year, we have truly seen God at work through this process, using us “little pencils” to write His love letter locally! In visiting with the family, I have picked up on little things we can do to bless them without waiting for the next My Jerusalem opportunity. I have watched my husband play basketball with their teenage grandsons (one of who’s dad requires the wheelchair ramp & will never have the chance to play ball with his own dad.) And watched my kids playing with their grandkids! I have taken an almost 60 year old great-grandmother out for her very first pedicure & very first dinner out to a nice restaurant! What a blessing it was to ME to be able to give the gift of first-time experiences to someone of that age!!! We celebrated Mrs. Philpot’s birthday last month with a pizza party & ice cream (as she had told me she would have gone to bed w/o eating that night…on her birthday!!) I was humbled when Mrs. Philpot called me to ask for help to buy a freezer when hers went out. I am humbled every time God uses someone like me to bring a smile to the faces of those in this sweet family.
This past June, Mr. & Mrs. Philpot started attending church with us, and this past Sunday they brought half of their family with them, filling up two whole pews in our church!! I saw over this past year, the more we came around to check on them to see how they were doing, the more they began to inquire about our church, where we worshipped. I think that is evidence of God at work in our willingness to go & serve! I had never preached to them about church but slowly they began to ask us about it!! I love the quote by St. Francis of Assisi: “Preach the gospel always; when necessary, use words.”