i received a call from a good friend who has been meeting with a couple guys and doing bible study on a regular basis with them. one of the guys was what most people would say a hopeless cause. he was always getting in trouble and many people including teachers hated to seehim coming. my friend nate did not hate to see him coming he loved to see him! nate kepted on praying for these guys and meeting with them to love them and share God’s word. we connected with these guys from building a relationship with some friends of theirs after working on their house. It’s all about relationships!! usually nate picks up one of the guys but does not always get the other one. recently nate picked both guys up and took them to read and study John3. that day God had this troubled guy ready and he prayed to accept Jesus as his Savior! nate said the young man wanted to pray but did not know how. how many people are out there who want to pray and ask for forgiveness and receive Jesus as their savior but do not know how to pray?? what a privaledge to be partnered with nate and to be used to lead the lost to the Savior! thanks to nate for his obedience and commitment!